Tea Tree Oil
Melaleuca Alternifolia
Tea tree oil (ti-tree) is obtained by distillation of the leaves of a native Australian tree – Melaleuca Alternifolia.
The common name – Tea Tree - is derived from an old practice of making a tea from the leaves. It has been used for centuries by Australian Aborigines for its medicinal properties.
The limitations of some modern drugs such as penicillin and antibiotics have now inspired a revival of the use of natural tea tree oil for healing. Modern scientific research has found it to be a remarkable oil which not only acts on all types of infectious organisms, i.e. bacteria, fungi and viruses, but also to be a very powerful immuno-stimulant by strengthening the body’s ability to fight illnesses and promote rapid recovery.
It has a refreshing, revitalising scent, the inhalation of which can greatly alleviate respiratory disorders. It is a non-toxic and non-irritant oil, which is used to treat a variety of skin conditions.
Always buy from a reputable supplier, ensuring that the Latin source name - Melaleuca Alternifolia - is reproduced on the label.
Certain species of the tea tree produce oils which are not as effective and some suppliers may adulterate the oil rendering it impure.
- Colds, flu, respiratory infections, sore throats sinusitis, catarrh, fever.
- Infectious illnesses, i.e. chicken pox.
- Cold sores, mouth ulcers, infected gums, gingivitis,
- Genital and oral thrush,
- Infected wounds,
- Pierced ear and nail-bed infections,
- Spots (especially teenage acne),
- Warts, boils, abscesses,
- Athletes foot, corns,
- Iitching,
- Dandruff,
- Arthritic and muscular pain,
- Insect bites,
- Natural insecticide and repellent.
Apply it neat to minor injuries, bites, stings, scratches, rashes, itches, sprains, strains, acne. Tea Tree Oil is particularly effective on cold sores and teenage spots. It balances sebum production, prevents infection and helps to prevent scarring.
Run a bath, add 2 to 8 drops (1 or 2 drops for young children) of tea tree oil and gently agitate the water to disperse the oil. Keep the bathroom door closed to capture the aroma and relax in the bath for at least 10 minutes. To maximise the therapeutic benefit, do not add any bubble bath or baby oil to the water.
One of the simplest and most enjoyable forms of therapy is to add 2 to 6 drops to a bowl of warm water and soak the feet for at least 10 minutes.
For all respiratory conditions, add 2 to 4 drops to a bowl of very hot water, cover the head with a towel, lean over the bowl and breathe in the aromatic vapour for a few minutes. Alternatively, add 1 drop to a tissue or handkerchief and inhale as required. To remove air borne pollutants around the house, simply add a few drops of tea tree to the water in an atomiser spray gun and spray into the atmosphere.
If using a burner or vaporiser, follow manufacturers instructions.
In a small dish mix 1 – 5 drops of tea tree oil to one teaspoon (5mls) of cold pressed vegetable carrier oil such as Grapeseed or Sweet Almond. For a facial massage , use only 1-2 drops of essential oil to 5 mls of carrier oil.
Essential oils are for external use only.
Always Carry out a skin patch test in case of sensitivity.
Do not use on children under two years of age.
Do not use near the eyes or mucus membranes.
Do not place on polished, painted or plastic surfaces.
Keep cap tightly closed when not in use.
Keep out of the reach of children.
If swallowed do not induce vomiting. Seek urgent medical attention.
If oils come into contact with the eyes, bathe eyes in cold water. Consult GP if stinging persists.